Literally. There’s SO many things they can take this kid to do. They have the money and the time, they just won’t. Even things that don’t cost money. Take her sledding. Make a snowman. Community ice rink. Walk in the arboretum. Or since they have all the money: Funvilla. Art factory. Peekaboo. Tiny town. Bowling. Swimming. Butterfly conservatory. Zoo. Aquarium. Museum. They are literally the laziest people in the world.
Ice skating is a good one especially this time of year, legit never have seen them take her skating and I’m sure she’d enjoy it too but I get the sense she’d enjoy a lot of things and her parents shield her from it all. They’re the LAZIEST parents I’ve ever seen. I can’t even call out just Sarah, it’s Shane too. I get the sense Sarah is embarrassed in public but she’s brought it on herself by being a fraud online 🤷🏻♀️
I’m going to be a first time parent in April and they’re showing me how NOT to be with my kid. I’m already looking forward to taking her for walks and to the library and to the park, etc.
Yep! When she’s not jet setting across the globe on free trips she’s sitting her lazy ass on the couch filming her poor sheltered daughter sing Disney songs. That poor poor kid man
Interesting point about Sarah not liking being in public out and about in her community.
It’s not unusual for influencers to be very different people in public. I know some that are so quiet and reserved compared to their IG personas. The added layer here though is all of her filtering. In public people will see her as her actual self which doesn’t match her filtered self and the whole charade falls apart. Her entire sales pitch is body positivity and a groundswell of regular people calling that out because of crossing paths with her would end the gravy train.
People going to her speaking events,etc have drank the kool-aid, they’re safe for her to be around. Casual ‘Bird-watchers’, not so much.
Congratulations!! At the very least their crap parenting is a good lesson on what not to do!
Thank you so much 🩷 it’s the one thing she’s good for, showing me how to not be a parent.