21 points
Now I want to see:
- a genius’es concept of an idiot
- an idiot’s concept of an idiot
- a genius’es concept of a genius
1 point
15 points
- most of the cast of Arrested Development
- the movie: Idiocracy
- lots of examples, let’s go with Alan Turing or Richard Feynman
11 points
- I somewhat disagree, I think a lot of real smart people overestimate idiots.
- Yup
- Alan Turing is my guy! Always remember the British government did him dirty for being gay. Shame on you, British gov.
5 points
I think I just wanted to mention arrested development lol. It being a smart, well-written show about very dumb people
15 points
i’d nominate Ramanujan as the geniuses’ genius: he had basically no formal education on mathematics, and yet he solved problems that the rest of the world collectively couldn’t crack.
4 points
1 point