That post was pretty unhinged I’ll say, but anime does have a somewhat troubled history with how it depicts women. Saying you spend a lot of time with anime, odds wise, could be indicative of a flawed view of women, at least from their perspective.
Anime is pretty broad. It’s like saying Hollywood has a troubled history with how it depicts women, so film buffs are creepy weirdos.
I think the troubled history isn’t even an issue with anime, but more with weeb culture in the West in the 90s and 00s. When the community is male-dominated, there will be fewer good representations of women in the popular consciousness.
Anime is a lot more mainstream these days and millions of girls and women watch anime tailored specifically to them or general audience anime that makes sure not to lose half its potential viewership. When I’m walking around at an anime convention, the crowd seems split pretty even. Lots of independent women artists selling their fanart too. So to say that being a weeb is indicative of a flawed view of women is an outdated and baseless viewpoint.
Can you explain the troubled history the works of studio ghibli had?
I really enjoyed those animes and would like to know what wrong with it.