And on and on the euphemism train goes, where’s the next stop? There’s going to be a slur for the mentally deficient, tell me which one you endorse.
Thank goodness you’re here. Next thing you know, somebody is going to ask ME to be polite too!
Censorship isn’t asked. It’s just enforced.
When you can’t be mean, you can’t really speak your mind about people you hate. Like political figures, and certain moderators.
Right now it seems I’m not being shut up. I guess it’s up to you whether or not to shut me up.
Just know that a lot of the people that get shut out of “decent” places are people you meet outside, and they’ve been getting weird the last few years. I’m gonna argue it’s causative. It doesn’t exactly feel great to be permanently banned. It’s not very normal or human. It’s exile at a handwave. No warmth, no humanity.
But you think I’m cold and cruel and awful because I call stupid people retarded, or I guess shitheads now.
None. Don’t insult people over stuff they can’t control. Call them ignorant shitheads not ugly/retarded/etc.
So shithead is the new slur for mental deficiency?
Is that what you call unintelligent uneducated indoctrinated rural people who piss you off with zealotry and hate?
Ignorance is not a disability, it’s a choice. So no, it’s not a slur for mental deficiency.