Journaling Just Works


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A place to discuss anything related to keeping a journal, a diary, a planner, a bullet journal, art/junk journal. Productivity, self-help, mindfulness, memory-keeping, creativity, project management or any other purpose.

Paper and digital alike.


  1. Be nice. If you need to preach or to hate on anyone, I will show you the door.
  2. Keep it on-topic. Definitely NOT on topic: politics, pornography, bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia.
  3. No ads. Product reviews and critics are welcome, as well as links to your own personal blog and videos provided they’re not product placement and that they are related to journaling.


If you want to share a link to our community that will work anywhere on Lemmy, use this link:

Community stats

  • 61

    Monthly active users

  • 49


  • 190
