KMT as ‘far-right political party’ puts an unsavory shine on the CPC, there’s a KMT in the People’s Congress lol. Chiang Kai-Shek had an iron fist on the right-nationalist KMT but afaik the CPC still eulogizes KMT figures, especially Sun Yat Sen. not so simple as the interwar germans having a training-armament programme with the nationalists… which the soviets had too
It makes sense they support the parts of the KMT who fought in WW2 against Japan, considering the amount of fighting that was done. AFAIK Mao focused on getting his forces into a position where they could wage guerilla warfare and let the KMT do most of the heavy lifting. This way, he could let rightwing infighting run its course while getting communist troops experience so they could be ready to fight whichever side came out on top.
The KMT did most of the heavy lifting because they governed almost the entire country while the CPC controlled a single, very poor province.
The CPC also had a lot of cells all over Manchuria that were just waiting for the perfect moment to strike, sometimes seizing military bases with weapons as simple as spears.
there’s a KMT in the People’s Congress
First time I read about this was confused. Where can I learn more about Chinese politics other than natopedia?
They were an anti-Chiang faction that split during the late civil war and declared support for the CPC. They still exist on the mainland until this day.
There was also the left-right split before the war with Japan; after Sun Yatsen’s death there were rival KMT governments with the rightists led by Chiang in Nanjing and a leftist government in Wuhan led by Wang Jingwei, though the latter folded and the party reunited until Wang became a traitor during the war and sided with Japan.
leftist government led by Wang Jingwei
Wang became a traitor during the war and sided with Japan