They’re good films IMO. More coherent plot than the sequels.
But everyone who hated on Jarjar conveniently forgot about Threepio and Ewoks.
No, I didn’t conveniently forget about anything. Jarjar is a racist characiture, c3p0 and the ewoks are not. Funny how you “conveniently forgot” about that.
He is also 10x more annoying than a robot that has more personality than him and a bunch of teddy bears that have zero intelligible lines. It’s actually impressive how fucking bad of a character he is.
Fuck yes - c3po was way more cringe!
George Lucas is shit for throwing in stupid drivel to keep kiddies happy (much like the guy that produces LOTR and the hobbit)
I wasn’t a big fan of The Hobbit films (big money grab), but The Hobbit was literally a children’s book for Tolkien’s kids. That being said, I can’t say there was anything added “for the kiddies”. In terms of the LOTR films, I’m not sure what was there to appease kids that could be compared to anything Star Wars ever did. They weren’t a perfect adaptation of the books, but those movies still hold up and I wouldn’t let my young kids watch if.