I’m an 18yo out of high school. I don’t really know what to do with my life going forward, but I know further education isn’t for me. I haven’t found many jobs going for people my age and I know OF creators can make a lot of money if they doing it correctly. I’m curious if 1. It’s worth the trouble? 2. It’s looked down upon by those in the nsfw community and 3. If anyone would actually sub to me if I did set it up. Happy to chat, discuss it, answer questions and have a general discussion. I’ve also posted some pics of me on my profile if you want to have a look x

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10 points

According to OnlyFans’ own data, the average monthly income for content creators (the term used to refer to those who have monetized profiles on OnlyFans) is only $277.77 (Silverman, Dec 2022). But, even for those who spend a minimum of 40 hours a week (full-time) preparing content, cross-marketing on social media, and communicating with content consumers (or buyers), the average monthly income is still only $1,111.00 (Avery Center, 2022). That is an average annual income of $13,332.00, which is below the poverty line.

OF is capitalist exploitation disguised as female empowerment. Until a federated equivalent is developed the majority of profits will continue to go to platform owners.


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