I mean - I probably got to live the very best of the 90s Americana as a suburban kid with an old computer and a modem in it.
I still saw a lot of shit going on in the world. I mean … AIDS pandemic, anyone? Remember fear around shaking someone’s hand?
Sometimes I think the problem is that at any GIVEN time, like 2/3 of people aren’t paying attention to what is happening outside their own immediate experience.
It is intensely difficult to join those ⅔. It takes more than adding fascists’ names to your Lemmy filter tell ya that much.
“Oooommmmmm … Ooooommmmm”
<deep breath>
<2 minutes guttural screaming>
“eh, I’ll try again next time”
I’m supposed to be walking even more now. I have no ability left to forget difference between what should be and what this garbage today is. Play some old favorite shows in my earbuds? Idfk.