He’s definitely gone into territory that I think some people find “offensive”, but I personally find to just be blunt. Maybe it’s the old school Bostonian vibe, which I understand as a Bostonian, and some people not from the region don’t necessarily.
So? People get so hung up on their right to remain unoffended. That’s not reality - it’s hiding. Our collective thin skin is getting shredded. We all need a dose of “wake the fuck up and smell the bullshit” more often.
Seriously I think it’s possibly a psy-op to make the left weaker in North America. Or at least to make leftists seem weak. At any rate it’s working, look at what’s happening to our political landscape as a result.
I mean, that doesn’t feel farfetched.
By the way, my friend had a hardcore band called “Crucifux” in Tampa Bay, FL area about 15 years ago. Your handle made me double-take.