Yasuke is actually a fantastic choice as far as history/narrative goes.
A shame the game looks like more generic Assassin’s Creed Mapfucking+Crowd Supermurder.
Which is fine if that’s your thing, but I haven’t been thrilled by an AC game since… well, AC1.
I’m more thinking that the black dude would look so “pretend” doing all of the acrobatics that AC is known for. Why is he 300 pounds?
And goku could destroy a universe with less effort than you put into a sneeze.
I expect certain amounts of realism within certain fantasies, and AC has generally been a bit grounded in realism with the protagonists strengths and abilities being kind of close to humanly possible. AC is like a history lesson with a free runner who can fight. This guy here gonna jump to a rooftop and fall through.