Yasuke is actually a fantastic choice as far as history/narrative goes.
A shame the game looks like more generic Assassin’s Creed Mapfucking+Crowd Supermurder.
Which is fine if that’s your thing, but I haven’t been thrilled by an AC game since… well, AC1.
The problem I have with having Yasuke as a main character is as follows:
Assassins Creed at its core has always been about exploring cultures through their most iconic time period, from the perspective of a person from that culture, with an exception of AC3, where the main character’s mother was Native American and father was white, but done so to explore the history around colonialism.
I welcome the idea of an Assassins Creed game within central Africa with an African man/woman as its lead, but I think we can all intuitively understand how wrong it would be to give one of the leading roles to a white character.
I like how we aren’t allowed to be bummed that we dont get to pick someone more representative of that culture. Thats racism right? Or reverse-racism?
Literally my first reaction seeing that picture is, “well thats an odd choice”.
Then pick the Japanese woman…?
Japanese women aren’t capable of representing their culture or what?
I’m sure men and women were treated exactly the same in that period of time in Japan, so surely you have made an excellent point.
Japanese women aren’t treated the same as men today, let alone in that time period which is the 15th century …
But what if I want to play a Japanese man in the Japanese Assassins Creed game?