Seems likely, definitely in the next few years. All the cope I’ve seen so far has been rhetoric better suited to years ago. Still waiting on a large scale pig farm to put the nail in the coffin, but there was a kid infected showing a potential mutation for lung-based human to human recently. So it’s looking to happen one way or another.
yeah… on the last death panel ep about it they said last year there was around 60+ cases in the US, where 0 or 1 cases is the normal level and that it might already be going human to human but very slowly right now (but media is reporting that it’s not at all), that there’s some unexplained case in San Francisco, and that if it kicks off it will most likely kick off in the US
Michael Osterholm says it possible clouds of dust are getting kicked up that have bird feces in them, and it’s possible it’s spreading that way. I sort of don’t think there’s human transmission yet. Maybe a very low level but from what I’ve seen key mutations generally considered necessary for human transmission haven’t been found in any strains yet (although I did see a journal article today saying they found slight binding to human receptors so…). In any case only 3 cases have been unknown exposure so far.
I forget where I heard it but the running joke is that whenever theres a mass-killing of pigs, from a chemical spill is what I heard, theres a massive discount sale of or introduction of new pork products across america.
anyways, take that but make it chicken I guess
There has been BOGO pork tenderloins at my grocery store (Publix) almost constantly for at least the last year. I don’t know if that’s normal or not, but it feels like a red flag.
They just tend to be extremely cheap these days, I think because treatlerites seem to prefer pork chops and butts over literally every other cut. But I have some pretty inside info in this industry so trust me I will light this place up if I notice any upstream trends in the pork world. I have been mildly prepping for a year now. If this pops off around 50% lethality there’s going to be no help coming. We’ll see general services collapse (power, water, etc most places) and hallowed out military units patrolling roads at most.
Isn’t there a similar thing with the McRib? Like they “bring it back” when pork prices are hella low?
Do you have info on that kid with the potential h2h transmission mutation?