Tech in the office sits at his computer, but is always typing on his phone, with the little bleeps on (but he has his headphones in?). Drives me bonkers. Though just about everything is driving me bonkers today. I need to pull up my big girl pants and have another chat with my manager.
That kind of thing would turn my day into a zero productivity day. You have every right to be annoyed and those dark murderous thoughts you’re having are completely valid. (Unless they’re disabled and need those sounds of course).
If he’s disabled and needs the sounds, then they go through the headphones he’s already wearing. Not out into the general office
Which is likely 99.9°% the case here, but what if those headphones aren’t playing music and instead being worn to dampen other office noise as they have a sensory issue? I like to give people I don’t know the benefit of the doubt before deciding that they’re just a selfish inconsiderate twat. But they’re very likely just a twat.