Literal secession is not a practical reality. What is important is for people in our area to understand that if they want a bright future for the next generation, the united states is in full opposition to this, and that progressive politics will only be effective at the community and state levels.
We need to guide our own destiny in spite of whatever the US government, thousands of miles away from us, may have to say about it.
Cascadia is a few things:
A neat flag that people fly at soccer games and in a few of the bars around town.
a soc-dem ish “bioregional” “secession”-ish movement with eco-tendencies.
a bit account I do on here because I think it is the natural synthesis of marxist-hexbearist politics adapted to the conditions of this part of the world. I think that socialists here need to be thinking with “Cascadia” as a concept in mind, and focus on leveraging out local power instead of sending Bernie or Bernie 2.0 out to die on the altar every 4 years. We can build basic social democracy right here, and offer some resistance to the federal government. If other regions (California, “greater Idaho”, ???) also apply this sort of tension domestically, this weakens the United States, and may give our comrades in the global south the moment they need to break free of their chains.
So we basically need to convince libs to build a kind of dual power via local government? That’s pretty much what Lenin was saying in 1917, but it wasn’t necessarily local vs national gov for them. I think it would work very similarly tho