ID: MUNROE @MunroeBergdorf posted: “Please don’t be surprised if I block you instead of engaging in ‘a debate’ about issues that don’t affect you, but impact on my life greatly. I do not need to, nor want to converse with people who prioritize their desire to prove a point, over my humanity and rights.”
Amanda Jette Knox @MunroeBergdorf replies: “THIS. You owe no one a debate on who you are, ever. Not online. Not in person. Not in the media.”
I’m starting to do the demanding, and I think we all should.
I do think that society owes ALL victims of rape and sexual abuse and sexism and harassment a god damn conversation (but maybe a different format than a debate) that everyone needs to be a part of if we want a productive solution.
For fucks sake, you do whatever you want.
Marginalised people don’t owe anyone shit, not justification for existing, not reasoning as to why people shouldn’t oppress us, NOTHING
It is the people doing the oppressing who need to expend their own fucking time and energy in to educating themselves from the vast pool of knowledge that already exists about our issues and how they contribute to them (one way being this demand being discussed that you are so dead set on pretending doesn’t exist)
You want to contribute to that pool? Good for fucking you, but you don’t get to join the oppressors and demand your fellow marginalised people waste *our time energy and emotional labour doing anything.
I’m done here.
I don’t see a demand to discuss these issues.
I see violent repression of discussing these issues.
So I respond by demanding that others discuss these issues.
Women and men are the majority sexes, and as a marginalized sex I demand that they be willing to start talking instead of being so dismissive.