It’s an interesting idea, but it can’t possibly happen. The federal government has too much military infrastructure in different parts of the US, especially nuclear material. They’d never let anyone secede with it.
ha, if cascadia and new england both seceeded simultaneously.
We also have the top two ports in the US. And if we took the PNW with us nearly all trade from Asia would pass through this theoretical new country before reaching the US.
Edit; also there’s a lot of division between the urban and rural areas of all west coast states. It’s fun to think about, but I don’t see it happening without a major conflict
That’s an argument for leaving PNW behind. Cannon fodder so they let us go peacefully with access to the coast and manifest destiny preserved
The US can manifist my ass. If CA leaves the PNW sure as shit is leaving too. We’re far more liberal than CA.
well, there is a grassroots movement I’ve seen in seattle to get all nuclear armaments out of the area, so I feel if cascadia existed as an independent country there’d be at least a little bit of support to return any armaments back to the us.
Yeah like what would happen to institutions like the Presidio of Monterey, the Naval Postgraduate school, Camp Pendleton, 29 Palms, etc if CA secedes?