President Donald Trump says he’d like to see Arab nations increase the number of Palestinian refugees they are accepting from the Gaza Strip — potentially moving out enough of the population to “clean out” the area to create a virtual clean slate.
“Something has to happen,” Trump said. “But it’s literally a demolition site right now. Almost everything’s demolished, and people are dying there.” He added: “So, I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations, and build housing in a different location, where they can maybe live in peace for a change.”
I hope Trump bans all your genders.
Funny enough, this is the second time in as many days that I’ve seen one of you people specifically singling out LGBTQ+ people in your little temper tantrums. Makes it pretty obvious that Palestine was just your excuse to welcome the christian nationalists in. You see, we suspected that you didn’t care before but now it appears your masks are slipping off.
Some other asshole told someone with a trans kid that they should care about Palestinians more than their son.
And when I pointedly asked that person (as I often do in these situations) what specifically they have done about this genocide other than berate people for not caring as much as they do, they did not answer. I never get an answer. As if it’s a challenge to send form letters to politicians, but they don’t even bother doing that. Easier to sit on their ass and tell other people how awful they are.
they did not answer
Yeah, the Israeli or Russian troll farms that were driving this whole thing and providing the slogans and snappy comebacks have achieved their goal and left now. So now the confused kids that are left don’t have any snappy comebacks anymore, except to repeatedly take digs at LGBTQ+ people and reveal the real reason they were drawn into this.
Well, a considerable proportion of these users are likely trolls/propagandists trying to fracture the non-fascists even more. It’s worth remembering that many people who protested against the Democratic Party’s approach to Israel voted for them anyway because they thought it was still the better alternative. There are true assholes in the world too of course, including pro-palestine ones, there are in any movement, but there is a risk that they are exaggerated and made to seem more common through the work of propagandists.
Gender on my DL: human.
I’m a cishet male, but I’m 100% ok with this. Only medical doctors really need to know anyhow