Jen Sorensen: Your New Order Has Arrived
I’m out of this mess through the system. They didn’t do shit to stop me getting on a plane and flying across the ocean last Monday to a more civilized part of the world. It has its own problems, but at least people don’t get into things like massive healthcare debt.
Yeah that’s taking advantage of a privilege that practically zero other people have to flee to a safer distance from the problem. That isn’t helping clean up the mess and doesn’t entirely fully remove you from it.
It allows you to claim you aren’t involved because you stay uninvolved but it’s not the same as being helpful or even being offerable advice to anyone else other than a percentage so small it rounds down to zero.
I am saving my queer daughter’s life.
I suppose you would rather me stick around and have her marched into a camp?
Do you have any kids? Would you sacrifice children for your cause?
I didn’t say that. I was pointing out the privilege of your statement when you offer that as a solution to this issue.
You can use the idea that anyone pointing it out is some villain who would have your family hurt but that’s not reality. It’s just an emotional response to protect your mindset. That’s fine. Don’t treat me poorly because of it though. You already got more privileges than the queer people left behind who may be in what you fantasize and have nightmares of.
It’s not a sacrifice if we can’t leave. It’s just reality. Something you have a privilege to alter to ignore.