I haven’t assessed the quality of the comments yet, but this is incredibly interesting to see.
Edit: aaannd its gone. I should have copied the post when it was up.
"…my brother did something bad and illegal to someone else for nationalistic reasons and I insisted he should face consequences, my mother responded with: “He’s your brother, you’re supposed to defend him! That’s the commie ‘justice and equality’, is it? Ah, I knew it.” Her words are also much stronger in Serbian, if you take the slur “komunjare” as well.)
OP was raised by nationalists (i read it that way anyhow). I dunno how old OP is or the politics of their region but I give em’ credit for coming this far. If they’re admitting ‘socialists were right’ and outing their parent’s morals as “wrong” who knows what else they’ll come to learn?