do people genuinely believe there is rule of law in this country
Somehow yes. Libs think laws are magic.
A couple years back my landlord wouldn’t fix the illegally-installed furnace (that the gas company wouldn’t turn on, bc it was a huge fire hazard) even with an impending polar vortex dropping the temperature to -10F. I had to explain to my aunt multiple times that it doesn’t matter that my landleech was legally obligated to provide heat, it didn’t change the fact that my rental had no heat and would not have heat in time for the storm.
Earlier today I tried to read this NYT op-ed by Jamelle Bouie - • Opinion | If All This Sounds Delusional, That’s Because It Is - The New York Times. It’s really pretty crazy. It’s 1,200 words that can be summed up as “Trump cannot do the freeze because it is unlawful and unconstitutional.” He quotes the law and the constitution. The 1974 Impoundment Control Act? Who gives a shit! He’s not even a lawyer but he’s 100% law brained.
It’s full of tedious and lofty stuff like this that could have come out of President Obama’s mouth or President Bartlet’s.
The American system of government is not one in which the people imbue the president with their sovereign authority. He is a servant of the Constitution, bound by its demands.
It ends with this.
The freeze, then, is Trump’s attempt to make this fanciful claim to limitless power a reality. He wants to usurp the power of the purse for himself. He wants to make the Constitution a grant of absolute and unchecked authority. He wants to remake the government in his image. He wants to be king.
Liberals get so mad at me when I tell them Trump is already effectively a king because the six GOP justice turds made him one, we are at his & their mercy, and the constitution is just a piece of paper.
I’m going to have to learn what the word “impoundment” means as in “impoundment of appropriated funds”. Gah.
Liberals don’t understand how power works because they are isolated from the violence both necessarily and unnecessarily caused by the state. Everything is abstracted and it becomes a game to them. They think if the referee calls foul players are punished.