Context for the title, in case you’re wondering:
Jesus turns water into wine. The human body is 70% water. Earth is like 60% water. Jesus was an alcoholic.
Does that mean Jesus could cause people to become intoxicated? Assuming he can control how much of the water gets turned into wine so he doesn’t just immediately kill the person he could pull off some fun pranks.
I mean…thats how I took it when I went to catholic school.
Also in catholic school, they never did answer the question of why we drank jesus’s blood, and ate his body. Why is that ok? And how did we STILL have so much left to go around so many centuries after his death?
These answers went unanswered to me in 2nd grade. I did get to hang out in the principals office though.
That’s Catholic education for you - fill kids heads with abject nonsense, go full authoritarian when they ask for clarification, then later cry about lack of mass attendance when they grow up and want nothing to do with your institution
Catholic school wasn’t so bad. I got a good education. And when I went to college I saw all these kids from public high schools who didn’t know shit, asking dumbass questions. For all my general education requirements I hardly had to study anything. Also they should have taught you about trsnsubstsatiation which would answer your question. Even though it’s not “real”, it explains the concept in their belief system.