And you don’t think this is already happening.
Ultra-privileged shite. Jesus fucking Christ. Sorry that the lives of minorities aren’t worth anything to you, I know posing online with your buddies is much more important.
Yeah, if your response to looking at the Trump administration’s openly declared desires and, even now, a fucking WEEK into this hell, already-passed executive orders, is to declare “Well this was already happening”, there’s not much to fucking talk about. Some of us are going to have our already-hard lives get significantly worse, and quite possibly end.
Every fucking day is a struggle, and seeing people who proclaim themselves as allies of the disadvantaged help flush what little we have down the fucking shitter? And then say that it doesn’t matter?
There’s not a lot to be said except that it’s ultra-privileged shite.
Why don’t you do something about it? I see lots of your posts. Mostly memes or the interesting history pics but you aren’t a revolutionary, I can’t imagine you canvassing, attending demos, mutual aid, building union power.
Prove me wrong.
But for now, you come off as a neo-libral happy with the status quo from the previous party.