Progressive for who? Not the workers. Not for unions . Not for regulation. Who was it Progressive for? There’s this myth that she was super Progressive but I didn’t see any evidence of it anywhere. The few Progressive movements of the Biden White House we’re on the chopping block for Harris. She nominated a great vice president choice and then she put them in the closet so no he couldn’t spread the message. Her intentions were very clear she was running well to the right of Joe Biden’s campaign.
She was very clearly for big business and for this mythical middle class that doesn’t even exist anymore. She could give a shit about the working class. A sentiment that was being shared by the way in interviews of potential voters which is how you knew she was about to lose.
The few progressive movements of the Biden White House were on the chopping block for Harris.
Which ones?
So Harris was so far right you all flocked to Trump or didn’t vote to send a message that you’d go further right?
And there it is. The old Hillary Clinton that’s all I fucking have campaign in a nutshell. Immediately accuse them of liking Donald Trump. Because the only thing they are is not Trump. Lost them two elections. It’s going to lose them every other election ever to come if we even get any. Cuz these fucking neoliberals have nothing for us. They can’t run on their Promises to the voters because they don’t have any. Every freaking time.
…and they won’t court the leftist because they don’t/won’t vote so it’s just going to go further right.