Why in the fuck are we suddenly cheering extrajudicial killing just because, for once, it wasn’t someone from our side?
… Oh, yeah okay, it wasn’t someone from our side. For once.
Play stupid games; win stupid prizes. He had a gun and resisted arrest. They’re the ones who promoted this society and tough guy police in the first place. People see some poetic karma.
Sorry bud, I’m not losing sleep over this one.
Nah. It’s because justice was subverted and karma came in with steel chair to correct things.
Pardons used to be used (usually) terribly to forgive rich assholes who made large campaign contributions… that was awful and I hate it.
In this case the recipients literally tried to overthrow the government… it’s beyond the fucking pale.
I think that pardons are a terrible tool - if there is injustice that needs correction it should be done within the system so that everyone can benefit. Pardons, in their best use, just correct individual injustices while leaving the unjust system that caused the issue unaffected.
The same reason we cheered when Luigi (allegedly) shot the UH CEO.
Some people make the world a better place by leaving it.
I’m not weeping over this asshole dying, it’s just tough to cheer for vigilante justice when… well, when its the police doing it.
I definitely get where you’re coming from. But the judicial system has so completely failed us (bullshit interpretations of laws, pushing right-wing jurisprudence, ignoring obvious corruption of SCOTUS justices, not holding Trump responsible for fucking *anything") that it’s hard to not be satisfied when one of these traitors gets any kind of justice.
I think you might be misremembering what the term means.
Out of or beyond the power authority of a court or judge; beyond jurisdiction; not valid as a part of a judicial proceeding
This is very much an extrajudicial killing. Justified sure, apparently. I’m pretty uncomfortable with how willing this community is to parrot the Blue Lives Matter talking points, though that’s whatever. I understand the need people have for vindictive pleasure, and I sure hope that’s all this is.
I was going to say the same thing, but the courts have let plenty of police murderers go unpunished, so I suppose that means the courts have given them that authority.
Because the judicial system has failed categorically. The only people getting beaten down by it are “on our side”, that kinda means extrajudicial means of justice are the only ones left.
Unrelated, but what do boots taste like? Are they as leathery as id imagine, or more earthy?
There’s a difference between praising cops and appreciating the irony of the guy who supported Trump, lover of police violence, dying in a police shoot-out.
Similarly, on a historical note, I’m not going to praise mass-murderer Stalin for killing Nazis to save his own ass, but I sure as hell am not going to condemn him for it.
No, im praising justice. It just so happens that for once in their lives, the cops somehow managed to actually achieve justice.
To be clear, this person didnt need to die, but in the absence of any form of actual consequence this is the closest to justice were likely to see.
Have you ever heard the saying
"“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”
Happy to have read about this one :)
IDGAF about this guy dying, good riddance, but I do care that so many people in this thread are openly cheering the cops having killed him. I’m aware of the irony, I just think the sheer amount of bloodlust on display here is pretty concerning. Do people think the cops like… meant to do this? They’re just going to keep killing us, but they screwed up and got one of their guys this time.