What should we rely on instead to stop these extremely violent people who got a full pardon? Because as far as I can tell, the only way they will be stopped is if they go up against the fascist cops.
That’s not praising the cops, that’s saying there’s no one else. Because there is no one else.
Squiddy, are you seriously saying our only hope is the cops? I know you love arguing against things but if that’s what you sincerely believe you have lost your damn mind.
It’s called fighting fire with fire.
Again, what should we rely on instead? You didn’t answer.
You know I’m usually game to bat the birdie of argumentation around with you, but just… not right now, man. Not about this.
I’m genuinely glad you managed to get out with you and yours, but the rest of us that are still stuck here are busy trying to figure out how to actually deal with this. More than 10% of my students are trans this year and around half have no-contact orders filed for their immediate family. Where the fuck are they supposed to go? IDK, but if we don’t figure it out they are SOL. So I’m begging you, just for a little bit, please just stop pulling this on people here. We’re all scared, and the shit you do like this really, really doesn’t help anyone but you feel better.