I have no idea why you expect me to answer any question of yours when you refuse to answer the single question I have answered multiple times.
But yes, I get it, you have no ideas and it’s my fault you have no ideas.
… That was clearly rhetorical, but dude like calm down? I’ve even answered your question multiple times already.
Well damn, you sure picked up on the subtext there, way to figure it out squiddy!
Where the fuck are they supposed to go? IDK
(Ah fine I’ll play, I can’t sleep anyways) if you somehow need it even more explicitly laid out: We cannot rely on the cops here, obviously. If you thought we could actually fight fire with fire, you wouldn’t have needed to flee the country with your daughter. Do you really see this whole interaction as adversarial? Buddy the most hostile I’ve been towards you is telling you to go hug your kid. That’s not exactly… er… bullying. It’s barely even mockery. And you’re calling that “lashing out”. God only knows how you’d react if I said something really out there, like “I get you have a really rough time interacting on the internet, but I still hope you have a nice day”.
Yes, again, I get that you have no ideas and it’s my fault. You don’t have to keep rephrasing it.