I can’t stand comments like this. You act like civil unrest won’t get people hurt, or maybe even killed.
Birthing pains, bro. Birthing pains.
Positive change doesn’t come without sacrifice.
If you wanna make an omelette, some people gotta die.
Easy to say that on the internet. I don’t see anybody picking up their pitch forks to stop this.
Maybe crack a history book sometime and check out how we got all the nice freedoms we have now 😂
We tried back in November, but too many people were screeching about BlUeMaGa, bOtHSiDeS and gEnoCiDe jOe
So it is what it is
Uh… have you been living under a rock? There have been multiple assassination attempts recently, one successful.
I would agree with you if they had mentioned people getting violent, but instead their tone is more like they hope something causes a change. They are not gleefully wishing for violence here imo
Hard to tell, I was pointing out the joking tone of it. Bcz civil unrest isn’t a joke, whether it’s warranted or not. It ends up being scary for a lot of people.
Agreed. I took it as gallows humor. But who knows. We are fucked right now.