How long until the chuds blame this on DEI and WOKE in the military?
I usually drive my wife to the train in the mornings. She usually listens to NPR morning edition for quick updates. We bitch about how lib they are in the car.
This morning she woke me up and NPR was already playing, it happens sometimes. I hear about this collision. The first thing in my head and out of my ADHD mouth at 6:40AM was “Shit, Iran finally got SpongeBob”.
My wife was a figure skater as a teen and now plays Women’s hockey. She’s still into figure skating as a sport. In the car she elaborates on how crazy the crash was because it was full of figure skaters and she was just watching figure skating Nationals. She has a ticket to Worlds this year. I felt kinda bad about “SpongeBob” but I still think it was a good bit without any context.
You’re in good company. My ADHD does the same stuff and it took years of working front-of-house and general aging for me to finally keep those thoughts in my head.