The portals between the state medicaid offices and the federal offices have been severed, I haven’t seen public facing sites being impacted, yet.
States are having to choose to suspend payment to hospitals (who will subsequently suspend services) or absorb the costs themselves until the situation is resolved.
Washington is in a budget crunch somehow despite years of record tax income from marijuana sales, so I guess I know what they’re gonna do…
Honestly, even states that run a fat surplus couldn’t support medicaid for any reasonable time without the federal support… unless the alternative is that everyone stops paying into federal taxes and the money is redirected into the states for individual programs. But this is a costly and wasteful alternative that would result in a patchwork hell of varying degrees of care I’d like to not think about. I’m just sorry you and many others are caught in the middle of this ignorant shit.
Thanks. I know it’s not the fault of the sort of people who generally hang out on Lemmy. I mean there’s a few conservatives sure, but they’re deeply in the minority over here. I feel like the people here have been fighting the good fight for folks like me already. You don’t have to apologize when your heart is already in the right place.
Audit the fuck out of the hospitals. Any discrepancy gets corrected up and down the line from the insurer to the supplier. Service cost prices out and deviation results in penalties. Should not cost this much. No more medical bill by ouija board.
They cant pay it because if they do, trump and his ilknwill use it as ammo to atate that the federal govt never needed to pay it. It would be a short term win with disasterous long term consequences.
Whats more likely to happen is that they scramble to fix that because too many of their voters rely on it.
We literally went from a budget surplus in our general fund for several years due to marijuana sales specifically to being in a budget-crunch post-COVID because all the federal money dried up and too many services were over-expanded without a plan for that federal money ending someday.
Well, not to sound morbid or unsympathetic , but if the end really is the end, consider going out like a hero.