That’s a false narrative. The people who stayed home weren’t the ones “demanding” anything. The ones making demands were almost entirely the ones who understood that other people would stay home. Your attacking people like me who were outraged by the actions of the Biden administration and the incompetency of the Kamala campaign, both because of the horrors they represent, and because we knew the vote would be suppressed. I voted for Kamala, but she let me down.
The people who stay home aren’t the left wing activists, they are the apolitical schmucks who don’t even consider voting until the week or day of the election.
That’s not an honest evaluation of reality. Its both leftwing activists and apolitical schmucks. And FUCK THEM BOTH.
If the left ever actually abandons the Democrats, they will never win another election again. Leftwing activists are the only activists the Democrats have. What do you think the Democratic ground game would look like without activists?
As a self appointed representative of left wing activism, no, fuck you. You did this.
I am a leftist. I hate the DNC. I hate apolitical dimwits. And I hate virtue voters and protest voters. I canvassed for democrats in a delusional bid to maintain my sanity this election and I will never do that again. I don’t care if the democrats ever “win again” now. It doesn’t matter you imbecile, we’re doomed.
I don’t fathom how you don’t understand this. Its fucking over. Are you not paying attention?