If the left ever actually abandons the Democrats, they will never win another election again. Leftwing activists are the only activists the Democrats have. What do you think the Democratic ground game would look like without activists?
As a self appointed representative of left wing activism, no, fuck you. You did this.
I am a leftist. I hate the DNC. I hate apolitical dimwits. And I hate virtue voters and protest voters. I canvassed for democrats in a delusional bid to maintain my sanity this election and I will never do that again. I don’t care if the democrats ever “win again” now. It doesn’t matter you imbecile, we’re doomed.
I don’t fathom how you don’t understand this. Its fucking over. Are you not paying attention?
I don’t fathom how you don’t understand this. Its fucking over. Are you not paying attention?
This is why I wanted people to be able to see beyond the possibility (or probability) of electing Trump. It seems to me the entire left side of the country (and even some of the apolitical people) bet the entire house on Trump not winning again, and when he won again they have absolutely no answer for it.
It’s also what I found so frustrating about the “Genocide Joe” gang, because they were pretending the entire time that it wouldn’t be such a big deal if Trump got elected…that we would somehow be able to magically have a revolution or something and be able to handle a full-on fascist slide…that there would be a response from outside of the electoral and political system that would allow them to accomplish their purported goals if people just didn’t vote.
Well, we’re here. He’s elected. He’s in power. What the fuck is this supposed response and when is it starting?
I will never not criticize a politician for supporting a genocide. I’ll vote for the lesser of two evils, but I won’t condone evil with my silence.
Has it even occurred to you that maybe trying to shut people up isn’t the best strategy? “Your voice is irrelevant and unwanted, but make sure you vote!”
If you can grasp that then you will have started to understand why neoliberalism always succumbs to fascism eventually. Mainstream Democratic thinking is pathetic.
I hate virtue voters
I don’t care if the democrats ever “win again” now.
So, what you’re saying is that they got there ahead of you. I guess we do become what we hate.
I don’t fathom how you don’t understand this. Its fucking over.
Not while the Earth still spins and my heart is still beating. It’s not over, it just got hard.
You fundamentally misunderstand why I used to care and now don’t. I don’t believe in virtue ethics, I don’t even believe in free will.
Before it mattered if they won because it’d (maybe) prevent doom. Now I don’t see a way out. Its consequences that matter and we’re now signed up for the worst consequences regardless.