Mine runs at 30watts at idle.
That powers 4 switches, 1AP, and my proxmox system (framework laptop motherboard) which runs my router and my services.
What is everyone else’s usage and what does it power?
I feel for those in Europe, these are the current spot prices in NZ
Edit corrected image:
I approve of the y-axis label. But everything else is kinda missing… Like the information what’s depicted on the diagram. Cost of production? Price for a end-user? pre- or after tax? which country? and why did someone paint in 5 different colors? It certainly doesn’t match what i’m paying.
From New Zealand and is averaged wholesale spot prices for the 5 (main) produces here
Ah okay. Makes sense. Didn’t know that. And New Zealand has cheap electricity because of big hydroelectric plants and geothermal energy? Or is that a political decision like it is subsidized by the government by taking little taxes on energy?