Okay, so why is a musical in Ireland getting American tax dollars, regardless of it being DEI or not. Ireland is not broke, they can fund that stuff themselves.

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15 points

Exactly! Why would we stoop to helping anyone anywhere with anything when that money could be safely parked in an oligarch’s account!?!? (overseas, out of sight, of course)

-9 points

I see you didn’t actually watch the video.

7 points

Yes, it’s all culture war slop. “Elon Musk is the best!”

I’d much rather thousands of dollars of my taxes go overseas to provide art & culture, then billions going overseas as bombs dropped on Palestinian children. But that’s just me. I’ll always prioritize culture over murder.

They’re slashing USAID and feeding us the BS that these tax dollars are “better spent on Americans”, but they won’t be spent on the working class. Ever. They’ll go to defense contractors or Trump’s buddies. I watched the video, and I want my 2 minutes back.

-5 points

Who do you think works for the defense contractors?




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