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5 points

Nice, seems like a perfect place to start. I actually started watching TNA around the time of a regime change too, so it works.

Haven’t started watching yet, although I’ve checked out about 5 minutes of the beginning segment with the four hosts (commentators?) talking about stuff. I was kinda hoping it would be a subtitled download by now but funnily enough, after a few repeated watches of the Ghost in the Shell franchise, it’s not complete gibberish to me anymore.

I don’t know exactly what they’re talking about but I can figure out what’s going on and get the idea. And pick up basic shit yes or no and types of greetings. Makes me wonder if I should pair getting into Stardom with some Duolingo.

5 points

Makes me wonder if I should pair getting into Stardom with some Duolingo.

Not a bad idea tbh, you’ll get farther than me who gave up after learning the words for toilet and beer lol.

Expect the first chunk of what you’re watching to probably not have any English period (despite the stuff I told ya yesterday which will apply more later in 2024).

When Rossy left his right-hand man Sonny left too (thank christ cause he was a piece of shit), and Sonny was responsible for 99% of the editing/translating/uploading to Stardom World/etc so when they left that segment of production tanked.

5 points

Just finished the first match for the ‘Future of Stardom’ championship, I’m guessing these ladies are kinda like young lions or in the development division. Seems like a great match to start with and give me someone to follow on their upward arc.

I honestly zoned out most of the commentary and Pink Devil did a victory speech at the end that sounded snarky and cocky as fuck. I’m honestly thinking I could just get by with looking up old reviews afterwards, and looking up any specific wrestler I’m interested in though.

And I’m glad to hear that I seem to have chosen a time to start when problematic management has just been ousted.

5 points

Just finished the first match for the ‘Future of Stardom’ championship, I’m guessing these ladies are kinda like young lions or in the development division. Seems like a great match to start with and give me someone to follow on their upward arc.

For rookies yeah. FoS is a title fought for by those who have less than 3y of wrestling experience (or are under 20yo regardless of experience level, iirc). Gives a good idea of who the company sees something in despite being rookies, and is usually defended on New Blood shows (which are for rookies, junior members of the roster, and freelancers/visitors from other companies).

I honestly zoned out most of the commentary and Pink Devil did a victory speech at the end that sounded snarky and cocky as fuck.

Rina is a little brat I love her lol. She’s one of the youngest on the roster so she calls everyone else old hags lol.




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