i rushed home to do this as soon as i heard but i was too late there were so many of them i tried to delete them all but it was useless apparently because i cant open anything now
learn from my mistakes and delete these files asap
Not only is that true, but Bill Gates is actually a clone, and all the information you’ve heard about him wanting to inject you with 5G mRNA mind control viruses via the covid vaccine … that’s all false, the vaccines are actually there to prevent you from also becoming a clone!
Bill Gates is actually Q!
(Just wanna drop character and let you know that that idea was literally explained to me two years ago by a homeless fentanyl addict at a bus stop.)
(He wasn’t quite doing the ‘lean’, but he was fiending, asked me if I had any blues ((local? slang for fentanyl)), and I offered him a cigarette instead, got to talking)
thank you for telling me that i bet the deepstate ruined his life and got him addicted to fent to discredit him i hope he gets compensated now that trump has come out with the truth