Oh come on now. Surely you’ve heard that expression before. I’m actually tempted to just block you because you’re either a troll or just looking for a stick to beat the dog with and clearly not joining this conversation in any good faith.
You said it, not me. I’m not a troll . You make some good points, but if you’re white, and your family has been in SA for a few generations, you know why your family was there.
So what are you trying to get at here then? You read paragraphs of me clearly condemning racism but got stuck on the common fucking English phrase for describing depression because it contains the word “black”. Even if you’ve never heard the phrase before and you’ve never seen a thunder cloud in your life, I’m sure that you’re literate enough to have surmised from the rest of my post that it wasn’t a racist statement. But you decided to come along and accuse me anyway.
What else do you actually want me to do? Kill myself? Not sure how else I could please you here.
Having grown up in '90s South Africa, I’ve been trained to judge people on an individual basis as I encounter them and by whatever group they belong to because of where they happened to be born without choosing. And going by an individual basis here, you just seem like a fucking asshole to me.
And I wish this app I use could tag users so that I can spot you in future and remember that you’re the person who decided to come along and pick on a phrase with the sole goal of making me feel even more like shit.