People don’t understand soldiers. You get discipline, confidence, structure, and community, but it is just a job done by normal people. I know door kickers that are just chill normal folks and one that refuses to own a gun. I know a Ranger that worked against governments and trained people to rise up against their oppressors, that fell for trump (and I miss that dude a lot, he is genuinely a good guy and was a hero of mine until he went MAGA…he fell for the deception and I couldn’t pull him out. I get real bad “left a man behind” in the pit of my stomach when I bring him up…fuck.). I know an MP woman, that was in and active for 10 years, that is an adorable little goth chick that works at the local hippy co-op store.
If you work around people, especially a factory or blue collar job, look around, those are soldiers. Dumb ones, lazy ones, ones that should be doing something great but aren’t. it is a little less equivalent when it comes to combat roles, but you still have a spread, it isn’t like the fantasy portrays.
“Trained people to rise up against their oppressors”
Wow he trained ISIS?
Its just a regular job where you are trained to kill other people.
If it wasn’t condoned by the government, they would be considered trained murderers.
Oh, but it is to fight the trained murderers of other nations!
So they are the solution to a problem they cause themselves.
Its just a regular job where you are trained to kill other people.
listen bro, animals kill animals all the time, animals fight over territory, the military is just a mechanized extension of that, idk what you want me to tell you, but this is literally just the natural consequence of the industrial revolution.
At least now we aren’t killing millions of people, only hundreds of thousands.
Also, this is falling under what i like the call the “ravine fallacy” where it only takes one person falling into a ravine for everybody to get completely fucked.
“I can’t believe someone would be so stupid as to fall for trump”
“Everyone who works in a factory is dumb and lazy and should be doing something better”
Wonder why he got elected.
“I can’t believe someone would be so stupid as to fall for trump”
“Everyone who works in a factory is dumb and lazy and should be doing something better”
Wonder why he got elected.
That isn’t how quotation works. Reading comprehension failed you on the second point.
I very much can believe people are stupid enough to fall for trump’s scams. Our education system is in shambles. For example, imagine an adult that doesn’t understand quotations.
As for the second “quotation”, I said nothing about “Everyone who works in a factory”. I could have also included some positive examples, as those parallels exist as well. I assumed that was incredibly obvious to the point of not having to be stated outright, and would be excess verbage that didn’t directly communicate my point. My comment was more of an indictment of SOME soldiers. People ignorantly put them all up on pedestals, but if you look around your workplace, you are going to see a few of those shitty people, you get the same among the enlisted. It isn’t “everyone” by any stretch, just like in a factory. They should be judged by their merits and qualities not their job title. Some, maybe even a lot, do earn it, but not all and not by default. Idolatry isn’t healthy, look at those maga fools for an example why.
To your last point; again, imagine an adult that can’t parse information, makes only negative assumptions, doesn’t know how to use quotations. That level of ignorance, persecution fetishism, and lack of critical thinking is a product of a poor education system and the poorly educated and fact-inoculated is how we have so many trump supporters.
Hope that helps clear things up. Have a great day.