Not sure what will happen, but seems to be a Fediverselore event for sure
Update: post from hexbear admin on
I didn’t explicitly give verbal support to specific nazi parties (motte) I just said these snowflakes go running whenever some vague and nonspecific disagreement happens! (bailey)
You can’t criticize me for using the exact same rhetorical tools literal nazis use and in the exact same context! It’s just a coincidence! You have to follow my rules and satisfy my framing!
You have to follow my rules and satisfy my framing!
It’s not like you offered any other framing, though, except through negation of mine. You are trying to say that the “disagreements” weren’t just “disagreements”, but you’re insistent on not actually describing what they were, what actually happened, what was “my/our behaviour”, etc. Just repeated attacks on my description of the situation (mainly based on my disagreement with the claim that Hexbear users were “traumatised” by the federation) and not providing your own.
It’s funny how the guy that I initially replied to could clarify his view in a meaningful and hopefully informative way, while you’ve gone all out with semi-random insults.