I know I’m very late to the party but i just started watching Dragon Ball (and now watching DBZ) and it’s quickly become one of my favorite shows/stories. So many fun characters and stories and the friendships that develop are golden. What a wacky imagination the creators had!
I was also completely shocked when i realized the NES game Dragon Power was actually based on the Dragon Ball series. Crazy!!! I played that game numerous times as a kid, even remembered the Turtle Hermit which is what made me realize the connection…
Too bad it suffers from the “long anime” problem.
Where every episode has a bunch of recaps to earlier episodes since they were made to watch one episode a week, which drags out the story to an immense crawl, making it boring to binge.
I’m sure that if you cut out all the recaps, intros & outros, and all the retellings. You could watch the entirety of Dragonball in like 24 hours.