In other words, what’s an official rule or interaction between different rules in Pathfinder 2e that you think is dumb?

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3 points

Recall Knowledge. If someone is going out of their way to do it, I try to round up a bit and give them something when I can. Also, I let them pick the type of info they want to learn about, like, “Does this creature seem to have high reflex”. If you don’t reward them enough, they just go back to blindly bashing, I think.

I’m also seeing if I want to add my own rules for peeking around a corner to shoot, since that’s fairly unclear in the rules how that works. RAW just seems extremely punishing to need to spend two Step actions just to lean. For now, thinking about adding a peek action that lets you view around the corner for your next action, without needing to spend any more to go back once you’re done.

1 point

Oh I like that peak idea! It could make creative use of terrain so much more feasible!


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