I’ve got a bunch of old (1992) photos shot on 110 film with a point and shoot. I scanned the negatives with a cheap film scanner (from LIDL) a long time ago, and to be fair most of the 35mm film I had came out ok. But there are a couple of 110 rolls that I don’t even know what to do with. The exposure is pretty bad and I think the film was exposed to light or not developed properly. I’ve played around with the photos trying to first get white balance right and then pushing the curves, but I can’t get them right.
Any advice? I don’t have the negatives with me, otherwise I’d try scanning them again just in case. Is there any workflow or app that I can use to try to recover them?
Is that Endeavour?
I think it was Discovery. It was a replica. I found this (in Spanish): https://legadoexposevilla.org/el-transbordador-discovery-aterriza-en-sevilla/