Man, life is short. I just want to enjoy whacking monsters. Don’t like it, don’t buy it mate.
I find it amusing that you virtue signal in other threads but when someone complains that capcom is precluding a significant portion of MH fanbase for lacking a modicum of technical dedication you retort with some carpe diem bullshit. If I didn’t know better I’d wager you’re from the US, that “fuck you, I got mine” attitude is quite prevalent overseas.
I’m so glad you came to the rescue of all those poor dedicated MH fans by taking the time to pick on one fan who bought a game. Mission accomplished, Capcom has been told and will now change their ways.
Do you apply the same logic to everything?
Let’s do a reductio ad absurdum:
I’m so glad you came to the rescue of all those poor Jewish people by taking the time to pick on one nazi who said something stupid. Mission accomplished, NSDP has been told and will now change their ways.
Your logic, as expected, is flawless.