I was surprised today that I seem to have put on some extra fat. Obviously there are pathways for protein to fat and fat to fat, but one piece of advice from the subreddit where I started was
eat fatty meat until you don’t want more
I followed that, the other was for setting the fat percentage
Eat more fat if digestion is too slow (code for difficult pooing) eat less if it’s too fast (loose poo)
I should be eating less fat.
I think I’ll change my standard order from Scotch fillet (I think that’s rib eye fillet in American) to half Scotch fillet and half something lean
Or I could exercise a lot more. They say you can’t outrun a cheeseburger, you definitely can’t outrun the fat in a 2 inch Scotch fillet cooked to very very blue
Christmas and New year’s drinks may have also contributed either directly (is there a booze to fat pathway?) or by offsetting the food I need
(Fat versus muscle judged by Tanita body composition scales with hand conductors)
Anthony Chaffee did a little talk on under eating on carnivore.
The key was eating fatty meat and not lean meat, eat until the food tastes like cardboard then stop.