You ever actually spent most of your time just playing video games? It gets old real quick.
During the lock downs I got furloughed for a week. I spent most of it playing Dwarf Fortress.
If you mix video games and diy projects it can be satisfying and fulfilling for years.
For me the social aspect is the hardest because i don’t make friends online and am bad at keeping in regular contact with my real life friends.
I substitute socialising with small streaming channels. Like the ones that have less than 5-10 people watching ever. You can come and go as you please and no one cares, and you can make real connections and have actual conversions with both the streamer and other viewers. People with channels that small aren’t doing it for the money, they’re doing it to have people to chill with while they play.
Some would say they aren’t real friends but I think there’s a point you can get to where I would disagree.