Facebook never “died”, but no one goes there anymore either. Reddit will be the same.
Isn’t Digg still around? It will exist forever probably, but it is definitely a husk of its former self.
And then you can’t even do that because Zuck filled the feed with 99% ads and “recommended” groups. Sure, there’s a friend’s feed now, but it doesn’t load 95% of the time. Facebook isn’t dead because people didn’t like the site, Facebook is dead because Zuckerfuck drove a spike through its heart and then lit the corpse on fire after dousing it with gasoline.
What is Facebook these days? My grandma spends all day on it, she hardly speaks…just swiping…when I sneak a peek, it’s just chain-mail-like bullshit one after the other with a few disguised ads for things she can’t afford in between…ugh :vomit:
I remember describing to my mom what Facebook was becoming back in like 2013/14 and she goes “Huh, sounds like what happened with email.”
The service went from useful communication to social media style chain forwarding nonsense pretty quickly, and they went the same way with FB.
I don’t know about that, email is still great at what it does. It’s less that it died and more that people moved on to more real-time communication that fit their needs better, with email still being used for what it is actually good for.
And still email is not dead yet! I hope it’s starting to become clear to people that protocols last much longer than platforms, even if platforms look like they can test new things faster.