The original source. Be it scientific white papers, court filings, executive orders, the actual text of bills submitted in the house and senate. Etc, etc.
You just have to put in the effort.
I’m still waiting for the bill that states what happened in Nice last week. /j
This makes me feel like I’m being left out of an inside joke. I don’t like it lol
To be fair, that does limit your ability to decide what is newsworthy to begin with. Ain’t nobody got the time to read every primary source ever, and sometimes the news is literally just “sources say” until an actual court case or whatever drops.
Granted, if you already know what you want to stay updated on, then cutting out the middleman could be workable. You’re just kinda limited in terms of what you’ll ultimately be exposed to.
I just don’t think the average American can (let alone would) read enough primary sources to keep “up to date” in the political sphere. Add science and tech, and that’s just way too much to wade through. Even seasoned beat reporters miss stuff on their beat.
Oh, no doubt. The world is way to complex to stay on top of everything these days. No one person can do it all.
My point was that Ground News doesn’t really provide anything that other news aggregate sites do – other than “left” and “right” labels for the outlets. Which is a really shitty way to look at the world when you could just pull the original source for whatever you’re interested in. Especially considering that it’s a paid service. You shouldn’t have to pay someone to spoon feed you which lens to use just to keep yourself informed.
I usually avoid speculation and unverifiable “sources” as well. Maybe if the source provided docs to backup their claim and the docs have been vetted. But when it’s an entire article based on “trust me bro”, I just can’t do it.
I wait for it to become so important that it ends up in the meme and shitpost communities.
Back in the day my primary source of news was World of Warcraft. If it was important enough to matter it would show up in the game. If it wasn’t any way inconsequential I never heard of it.