Honestly at this late stage of the game making sure everyone in Canada has reliable internet service should be a no-brainer. The gov’t needs to build it, then rent the lines to service providers (forced, if they decline). Prices will be the same across the board, regulated by a CRTC that hasn’t been bought out by the big three.
I’m hoping that Carney brings in legislation that equalizes access and cost.
If all it does is funnel US worldview, US culture, US ideology (which so much of the internet does) what’s the rush?? Canada needs to ban or tarrif US owned media, seeing as they have stated they want to annex/invade.
I absolutely agree that Internet should be a nationalized service, with the option of private players. Saskatchewan has (for cellphones) Sasktel by the government, and all prices are lower even from the for profit companies. We should have crown corps + private enterprise for everything that is an essential service. Mail has Canada Post + private couriers.
The nationwide Rogers outage… When was that, a year ago? Put all kinds of businesses, banking, local payment systems, etc. on hold. How is it acceptable to the nation that essential infrastructure is entirely private?