Maybe y’all should have gotten out there and voted Harris instead of being babies, you and us allies wouldn’t be dealing with an orange turd. Keep blaming the democrats , Putin loves it, and it distracts from trump. You wanted Dems to oppose this? Should have given them power. But as an outsider this American election looked like the voters telling democrats to eat shit, then demanding they save you. And yes I’ve heard all the “it’s their fault for not courting my vote” yeah well they’re gonna take 4 years off and stay rich so who did you really punish? Yourselves
I voted Harris, and even if I hadn’t, I would still have an absolute right to shit on the democrats for perennially being the worst opposition, the worst election strategists, and generally competing with the Russian opposition party for being the most disappointing and ineffectual political entity in existence.
You’re misunderstand the frustration. We’ve been seeing Republicans bending the rules and stacking the deck for decades and have been shouting at the top of our lungs that they’re not playing fair. The Democrats didn’t just fail in 2024, they’ve been fucking up since Reagan, and all of us that have been warning this was happening feel like we were betrayed. From where I’m sitting it feels like the Democrats don’t really have any ideals past getting elected. The correct response to Trump 1.0 was throwing the criminal in jail and issuing hundreds of executive orders (a la Trump’s throw out so much shit they can never clean the mess doctrine) to cripple voter suppression and ensuring another quasi dictator didn’t end up in office.
We needed radical leadership and we got the status quo, and frankly if speaks volumes about how disconnected liberal leadership is from their base.
You wanted Dems to oppose this? Should have given them power.
When they’re our elected representatives, regardless who is president, and yet they refuse to even touch the power that is bestowed in being an elected representive to… represent…their constituency. How would the result of a presidency change the complacency we are currently witness to? Genuine question, because I dont remember a single repub shutting up over anything during Biden.
Meanwhile Hakeem Jeffries of New York has stayed absolutely silent on one of his constituents who was - without exaggeration (Associated Press) - kidnapped from his home state by ICE agents without a warrant, while holding a valid green card. That is just once example, if we needed the DNCs poster child to hold up our constitutional rights, we were fucked from the very beginning.
When the people who are elected to represent, don’t do the bare minimum in that, of course we should tell them to get the hell out of the way and let someone who gives an actual shit in. You telling to not be critical of the enablers only serves to unleash the offenders, I don’t understand how thats not clear.
Maybe y’all should have gotten out there and voted Harris instead of being babies, you and us allies wouldn’t be dealing with an orange turd.
No. We’d be dealing with a brown turd, an extension of the silver turd, who watched us all get poorer for four years and didn’t seem to find mitigating it in any meaningful way to be a priority.
You really do have to actually do something if you want people’s votes.