whats racist about making fun of someone who asked a child to suck their tongue? are you defending that?
Seemed like cognitive decline to me when he did that. My grandma started making rape allegations near her end and saying absolutely unhinged sexual nonsense.
I tend to agree. The man has worked all his live to bring Buddhism closer to the West and this was the single worst thing he did and, very likley, be the one thing that people will remember first.
After years and years of build relationships and beeing seen as a wildes positive figure. Bit of a shame, what he has to say is valid and important, at least in my opinion. But alas, this was a fucking Desaster for him. And I very much don’t think he’s a pedophile. But in this day and age, with all this hyper sexualisierted westerners, with its complete lack of nuance and social media, it was the worst thing he could have done. China will have done everything to amplify the message to, which for sure doesn’t help.
Maybe it was just something she never spoke on when she was not in decline. So many women choose not to speak out because they are revictimized and tried in the court of public opinion forever.
ETA: I’m not saying anything about the Dalai Lama, but about women.
What you are doing here is using the western culture as a benchmark to judge the culture of another region. Not everything is seen trough a sexual lens, that’s just your western mindset doing that.
You can read about it here, for example.
So its a common greeting but the tongue sucking was teasing? I hate to see the other ways he teases kids.
Seriously though, I dont think its racism. Maybe its part of the culture and he’s honest saying there’s no sexual intention but also I think pedophiles have a history of saying this isn’t what it looks like when called out.
No,but the dalai lama who is tibetan and is a believer in tibetan Buddhism which has child sex slaves for most of its existence is in fact a pedophile.
This is from someone with an East Asian mindset.
Sucking children’s tongues or vice versa is weird here in China too.